Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Couscous Salad

I never made this salad and I don’t have a recipe. I improvised.

Couscous: I followed the directions on the box and left the couscous cooling down during the prep of the vegetable salad.

Cleaned and chopped vegetables in small cubes. I had the following vegetables/fruits in the box: tomato, pears, a green and a yellow pepper, avocado and zucchini. I mixed them all with a vinaigrette (oil, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper) and some cornichons.

Mixed vegetable salad with couscous when couscous was still slightly warm. Added some more salt to taste.

Cornichon: French word for Gherkin. They are usually pickled with vinegar and are used with other foods and in sandwiches (especially in Europe). 

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